Daily Rome Shot 1280 – Card. Pell miracle?
Hey Fathers! How about a clerical Guayabera shirt? Photo from The World’s
Best Sacristan™. This is the cupola of the Chiesa Nuova, depicting the
16 hours ago
Thank you for sharing that song on the feast of St Dominic, Father. Brings back happy memories of hearing my parents playing it in our home.
Also brings me happy memories of my Aunt Mary (Sister Mary Justin) a Dominican nun for over 60 years until she died in 1989, in Cabra Convent, Dublin, Ireland. I am sure she is celebrating on this glorious feast day in heaven and praying for us all.
Thank you again for your inspiring blog.. I check it everyday so keep up the good work!
Finola, Bay Area, California
Brilliant! It has been a long time since I've heard this song. It's lovely. I'm wee partial to Dominican's. Fr. Willoughby in D.C. is my favourite, reminding me of my late grandfather, but mostly that Jesus loves me and desires that I be "as good as the day I was baptized!"
Fabulous post!
When I was a young lad in high school seminary, I had a serious desire to become a Dominican. I wrote to the Vocation Director/Novice Master who sent me literature written by infamous Dominicans, like Matthew Fox & Edward Schillebeeckx as well as the one and only Hans Kung. I wanted material on Dominican spirituality and formation, NOT dissident theology. Hence, I remained a diocesan seminarian even after being in three dioceses and three seminaries before becoming a priest. Thirty years later, the Dominicans in the USA are one of many solidly orthodox religious orders getting numerous vocations. Fathers Fred Jelly, OP, Nicholas Halligan, OP, and Brian Mallady, OP, et al. prove that the Order of Preachers are still the hounds of heaven.
The story of the singing nun is a really horrible, sad story.
That doesn't take away from the prettiness of that song, though.
You are right about the Dominicans in the USA. I had a chance to meet some of the sisters and they were so lovely.
Sad indeed is the final fate of the singing nun. However, I had a fantastic nun in college seminary, Sister Dominic Twohill, OP, who was as Thomistic as Aquinas himself. I also have the blessing of being in a diocese where we have cloistered Dominican Nuns of the Perpetual Rosary. HOLY women who wear the full habit and are totally loyal to the Magisterium.
Fr John, I have a quick question for you regarding Dominican orders. We live near a Dominican Motherhouse here in Southeastern Michigan, and we attend Sunday Mass there. With the feast day of St Dominic occurring, the order held their annual conclave, and at Sunday Mass, at the conclave's close, the presiding priest stepped aside and let one of the nuns deliver the homily. So finally to my question: Is this permissible because of the conclave? I was told that they (the order) have permission to give the homily only during this time, even though Canon Law says that only an ordained bishop, priest or deacon may give the homily. Could you please help me out here? Thank you very much, and may God bless you!
Neither the Dominicans, Franciscans, Benedictines or Jesuits have any authority to circumvent Canon Law. It is the universal law of the church and it supersedes previous laws and customs. Hence, canon 767 remains intact that ONLY an ordained cleric (bishop, priest or deacon) can preach the homily at Mass. Laity and religious may preach OUTSIDE of Mass but never the homily at/within Mass.
Thank you for your quick response, Father. So I wasn't wrong to walk out of the Mass, as I wrote about at my blog. Please stop by at any time!
And may you have a blessed Feast Day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary!
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