Catholic Clergy Thank Pope for Year for Priests
The zenith of the Year for Priests, for me, was the joint gathering of the Australian and American Confraternities of Catholic Clergy. Over 100 English-speaking priests and deacons from around the world gathered in Rome (January 4th - 8th, 2010) along with several from Ireland, Scotland and Britain. We stayed at the Domus Sanctae Marthae (residence for the Cardinal Electors during a Papal Conclave) and had Masses at the major Basilicas in both the Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms.
6/10/2010 - 9:32 PM PST

Catholic PRWire
HARRISBURG, PA (10 June 2010) - As the Year for Priests comes to a close, the members of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy wish to extend our deepest thanks and gratitude to Pope Benedict XVI. His decision to dedicate these past twelve months to those of us in Holy Orders has been an enormous blessing for clergy and laity alike, both in the local and in the universal church. Despite the aftermath of public scandals and private disappointments, priests around the world have been affirmed and encouraged by the love and affection the faithful still show for their beloved clergy.
The priests and deacons of the CCC enthusiastically renew our consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of the Clergy and renew our pledge total fidelity to the Magisterium and filial obedience to the Roman Pontiff, our beloved Supreme Pastor and Universal Shepherd. We furthermore, pledge our total commitment to ongoing spiritual, theological, pastoral and human formation in fraternal support of one another so we may better serve the people under our care. We invite all priests and deacons to join and participate in national and diocesan associations of the clergy specifically created to help and encourage its members to seek personal holiness and improve their ministry to others.
We ask all our ordained brothers around the world to join us in giving thanks for the person and the Petrine Ministry of Our Holy Father. He has endured many trials and obstacles yet has never tired in his zeal for souls or in his intense love of the Church.
We promise to support our bishops in their service to the local church by assisting them in their apostolic call to teach, sanctify and shepherd the People of God.
We ask our colleagues to join us in thanking Almighty God for the awesome gift of Holy Orders and for the invaluable and precious treasure of the people whose souls we are commissioned to protect, nourish, enlighten and uplift on this pilgrimage of life. We ask that Catholics everywhere, as faithful sons and daughters of God, will continue to pray for vocations to the priesthood and diaconate and that the clergy they are sent will always act and be their very best since they deserve nothing less.
PA, 17053 US
Rev Fr John Trigilio - President, -717-957-2662