The Confraternity of Catholic Clergy reiterates its invitation to all priests, deacons and seminarians to our annual convocation. This year we meet at the Tremont Plaza Hotel in Baltimore, MD to celebrate the bicentennial of the Archdiocese and to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Humanae Vitae. JULY 14th - 17th are the dates and any member of the Catholic Clergy (Latin or Oriental) in good standing with his diocese or relgious community are welcome to attend. Cost is only $150 and our speakers include:
Archbishop Edwin O'Brien (tentative)
Archbishop of Baltimore
Fr. Thomas J. Euteneuer
President, Human Life International
Fr. Peter West
Priests for Life
Dr. Janet Smith (keynote speaker)
Chair of Life Ethics, Professor of Moral Theology
Sacred heart seminary, Detroit, MI
The Confraternity of Catholic Clergy is a national association of priests and deacons that promotes ongoing spiritual, theological and pastoral formation of the local clergy in a fraternal environment. Besides monthly local chapter meetings (consisting of a Eucharistic Holy Hour, Liturgy of the Hours, Rosary, Spiritual Conference, opportunity for confession, and Benediction), the CCC also holds an annual convocation where orthodox speakers present pertinent lectures helpful to the average parish priest or deacon. Vatican II (Presbyterorum Ordinis), the Code of Canon Law and Pope John Paul the Great (Pastores Dabo Vobis) as well as the Directory on the Ministry and Life of Priests, strongly encourage and exhort associations to assist the clergy in seriously persuing ongoing formation.
ATTENTION PARISHIONERS and ALL MEMBERS OF THE LAITY, please encourage your pastor, parochial vicar, deacon and seminarian to attend our annual gathering. Makes a perfect ordination or anniversary gift. Annual membership dues are only $35 (nice birthday present). Any donations or contributions are greatly appreciated. See our website for more information.