Two wonderful people have generously donated checks ($500 each) to the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy to help defray expenses of our upcoming international conference in Rome, January 4th - 8th, 2010, in celebration of the YEAR FOR PRIESTS. If anyone is still in the giving mood and ability, we are still accepting any and all gifts and donations for this historic event. For the first time ever, Catholic clergy from Australia, United States, Canada, Ireland and Great Britain are gathering together under one banner to study, pray, discuss and celebrate the PRIESTHOOD OF JESUS CHRIST. More than 80 clerics from English speaking countries are making pilgrimage to the Eternal City to foster ongoing spiritual, theological and pastoral formation in a fraternal setting. The American and the Australian CCC have a combined registered membership of over 1,000 ordained men who publicly profess their loyalty to the Roman Pontiff and their total obedience to the Magisterium under the maternal care of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of the Clergy and Mother of Priests. PLEASE KEEP ALL OF US IN YOUR PRAYERS THE WEEK OF JAN. 4th and we shall do likewise.
If any of my brother priests and deacons from the CCC would like to march together under the banner of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy on January 22nd, at the March for Life in Washington, DC, please email me so we can decide where to meet. I know many priests accompany their parishes or schools but just in case there are some floaters out there, hopefully we can connect before the rally moves up the boulevard toward the Supreme Court.
for more info, contact
Fr John Trigilio, Jr