Bishop Joseph Martino of Scranton, PA (where Senator Joe Biden was born), popped-in at a parish presidential election forum where the debate was on whether or not Catholics could vote for a Pro-Choice candidate. While 1/4 left the meeting in a huff once His Excellency clearly stated Catholic principles for moral voting at election time, the remaining 3/4 gave him a standing ovation.
Like Archbishop Burke and Archbishop Chaput, Bishop Martino did not mince words nor did he equivocate Catholic doctrine or morality. He spoke boldly as a bishop should and spoke with the proper authority of one who has the fullness of the priesthood and who was consecrated as a successor of the Apostles. He also pointed out that he is the chief shepherd in his diocese, not the USCCB.
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Father John,
I second your "Bravo." His Excellency IS the Shepherd in his Diocese and no bureaucracy that goes along to get along has the right to countermand his letter to his flock. I have been waiting for one staunch Ordinary to buck the system and to withdraw from the USCCB. Perhaps we may have finally found such a one.
I can't keep track of all the thank you notes I should be sending to all the US bishops who are speaking the Truth. This is wonderful!
God bless Bishop Martino!!!
Three cheers in Heaven for Bishop Martino. He's a true shepherd who will speak the Truth, even it's unpopular. God bless him
Great news!
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