Please keep my mom (LIZ TRIGILIO) in prayer. I took her to Lourdes in November, 2008. She has been in the hospital since last Wednesday when her blood pressure became dangerously high (severe acute hypertension). She also needs operations on her heart and on her back (lower spine) once she is well enough for surgery. Mom will be 78 next February. A widow since 1998, my mother buried three of her four children before my dad died. Both of them took exemplary care of my brother Michael during his short life of 26 years battling Muscular Dystrophy followed by my father's battle with leukemia. He died six months after my younger brother Joseph was killed by an underage drunk driver who never spent one day in jail nor one dime in fines.
Thanksgiving was a very quiet day as she was too weak and too ill to leave the house or even to get out of bed. Deo volente, she will be discharged before this weekend and be on the road to recovery soon. The Discalced Cloistered Carmelites in Erie need her as she is sort of an extern in that she helps out as one of the sacristans and as a gal-Friday doing shopping and driving the nuns to doctor appointments now and then. My brother Mark and I appreciate your kindness in offering any prayers you can for our dear and beloved mother. Being 300+ miles away (from my parish to her home) makes it difficult but the Good Lord and His Holy Mother have blessed us with the help of some very good friends and family members.
ERIE, PA 16509-3799
God bless you and your dear mother. We will keep her in our prayers and entrust her to our Holy Mother Mary.
Fr, I just read your prayer request for your Mother, I just prayed EP, and will be offering my Rosary intention now for your Mom, and for you.
Thank you for all that you do for our Holy Catholic Faith
Immaculate Mary, pray for us.
I'll pray for your mother Father Trigillio I hope all stays well with you and your family, and I know that the Lord will take your mother into his hands, and observe your great faith. My prayers are with you and your family.
Prayers, Father!
Almost entered that Carmel in 1974 - the prioress at the time was, I believe, Mother Mary.
Prayers for your dear mother, Father. I'll remember her at Holy Mass on Gaudete Sunday.
Father, your dear mother is in my prayers..+
Will pray for her. I lost my mother suddenly 3 months ago this week. Please keep her (Amelia) in your prayers.
God bless,
P.S. Saw some outstanding homilies from you this week on EWTN, Father. Thanks, Father!
Deo Gratias!
I will put your mum on my prayer list father.
My mom passed away in 1996. I am now adopting your mom, so she will be in my prayers nightly!
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