Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012 in my two parishes


Saint Bernadette, Duncannon, PA


Our Lady of Good Counsel, Marysville, PA

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Priests & Deacons Loyal to Rome

Priests Grow in Faith Through Fellowship in Confraternity of Catholic Clergy
BY Joseph Pronechen
Staff Writer
December 2-15, 2012 Issue | Posted 12/1/12 at 12:32 PM

In 2000, visitors at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Ala., were crying with joy before Mass as they watched more than 100 priests process in. The priests were members of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy, who were at the shrine that year for their annual three-day convocation.

That event also marked the confraternity’s 25th anniversary. Founded in 1975, this organization for priests and deacons now has a presence on three continents, with 600 members in the United States, 300 in Australia and 100 in the United Kingdom.

The Confraternity of Catholic Clergy (CCC) continues as a shining example of priests and deacons in fidelity to and in solidarity with the Holy Father and the full deposit of faith taught by him and the bishops in union with him.

One confraternity member at Hanceville in 2000 was Father John Trigilio Jr., then familiar to EWTN viewers as co-host of the Web of Faith series with Father Robert Levis, one of the confraternity’s co-founders.

Back in 1980, Father Trigilio became a CCC member as a seminarian. Today, he is in his 10th year as the confraternity’s president. This fall, he began co-hosting the new EWTN series Web of Faith 2.0 with Father Kenneth Brighenti, vice rector of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Maryland and the confraternity’s secretary. They have co- authored several books, including Catholicism for Dummies.

"We are priests who say loyalty to the Holy Father and the magisterium is non-negotiable," Father Trigilio said, adding that the confraternity is an association aiming to unite the Church.

"The big goal of the confraternity is ongoing formation of the clergy," Father Trigilio explained, pointing out that everything from the documents of Vatican II to the Directory on the Ministry and Life of Priests, canon law and popes like Blessed John Paul II — in his letter Pastores Dabo Vobis (On the Formation of Priests in the Circumstances of the Present Day) — insist every ordained man must make time for his spiritual life.
Consequently, the confraternity’s fraternal get-togethers are built on four pillars of ongoing spiritual formation.

The goal is to meet once a month for an afternoon of formation. The first aspect is prayer: Before the Blessed Sacrament, the members pray the Divine Office and the Rosary and usually have Mass or Benediction. The men also have the opportunity to go to confession and receive spiritual direction. To be good spiritual directors, they must have spiritual direction themselves.

Then comes the theological-intellectual component. Those attending might hear an invited priest talk about current Church news or listen to a CD talk by a well-known priest like Father George Rutler or Father Joseph Fessio or read a papal document.

Next, the pastoral component allows priests and deacons to discuss how the topic can assist them in better helping their parish or ministry, always with the goal of aiding their flocks and growing in faith themselves.
The meeting ends with the human component — fraternity — as the men usually have dinner together. Camaraderie is especially important — the men have time to help support one another in their loyalty to the Pope and magisterium.

"The fraternity is important," noted Father Trigilio, "but the core has to be the prayer and the study component — discussing theological issues like documents on the faith from the Holy See or Cardinal [Raymond] Burke’s latest article."

The cardinal has been a friend of the confraternity and, in fact, gave a tour of the Apostolic Signatura — the Holy See’s Supreme Court — to confraternity members from all three international groups in Rome in 2010.
Father Trigilio emphasizes the importance of the meetings to fellow priests and deacons, saying that this "is not an option. This is essential. Like going to the dentist to keep your teeth in shape, like getting the oil changed to keep your car in shape, and like saying Mass, praying the [Divine] Office and going to visit the sick is essential, you’ve got to be loyal to your ongoing formation."

Jesus got together regularly with The Twelve, after all.

As pastor of Our Lady of Good Counsel Church in Marysville, Pa., Father Trigilio knows that firsthand.

Chapter Growth

One of the largest U.S. confraternity chapters is in the Los Angeles area. Started in the mid-1990s, it typically averages 15 to 20 at the monthly meetings and 40 or more at the annual retreat, which features a nationally recognized priest as speaker.

Father Marcos Gonzalez, pastor of St. John Chrysostom Church in Inglewood, Calif., was a member even before this local chapter started — he joined as a seminarian.

"There were 14 of us in our class, and we wanted a group to meet, support each other, pray together and be priests who are faithful," he said. "We didn’t want to be hearing dissent (from those who want) to change the Church constantly. We were interested in how to make people better Catholics, how to make them holy, how to get them to heaven. And the confraternity had those exact goals."

When he was ordained in 1994, he and his fellow priests started a CCC chapter.

"We had 20 priests as founding members, and all stayed with it," said Father Gonzalez. "We haven’t changed the formula because it works. It fulfills a need that most priests know they have.

"I don’t think priests, especially diocesan priests in our American society today, can afford to be lone rangers. We’re all in the same boat, with the same challenges, and need the support of other priests."

The same holds true for the Australian Confraternity of Catholic Clergy. The ACCC national chairman, Father John Walshe, said that newly ordained priests are joining the organization, which is now 300 strong.
"We have always experienced a sense of support and a joy at sharing in the ministerial priesthood," Father Walshe reported via email. "We are able to address the matters that concern us as priests and pastors and draw on the received wisdom of the Church’s teaching and the wide and diverse experience of the members.
"There is a wonderful joy and sense of hope amongst the members of the ACCC. Though the challenges we face — with declining numbers (of clergy) and rampant secularism — are immense, the unity we share as priests impels us to greater fidelity and zeal."

Three of the ACCC’s member priests have become bishops, including Bishop Peter Elliot of Melbourne.
Back in America, by its scope, the CCC serves the interests of bishops, priests and deacons at a national level, said Bishop Glen John Provost, who heads the Lake Charles, La., Diocese.

He was a featured speaker at the confraternity’s annual convocation in Chicago this past summer. Joining him was Father Roger Landry of Fall River, Mass., who is frequently seen on EWTN.

"As clerics, we always benefit from input at a broader level," Bishop Provost said. "The benefit is not only intellectual, but also practical: making an application to pastoral ministry of constructive ideas and vibrant spiritual lives."

Of the CCC, he observed: "There is an advantage to the priest individually, but if it’s positive and vibrant, it can’t help but affect the people he serves."

Two things about the confraternity’s conference made an impression on Bishop Provost.
First, having time after the presentations to ask questions and enter into discussions with the speakers, "I felt there was a constructive dialogue theologically," he said.

Second, the meeting reflected an atmosphere of prayer. "As clerics, we have opportunities for this communal dimension of prayer, but to have the experience with others actively engaged throughout the country is most affirming," he said.

"The priest knows he is not alone in his zeal for the Church and the Gospel," added Bishop Provost. "There are others who feel like he does about his work in ministry. In and of itself, when priests just get together to pray, share ideas and listen to presentations, (that) is very positive. I think priests need that. We have a lot of good priests, and they need to be encouraged and affirmed."

In addition to the annual three-day national convocation — for the 2013 annual convocation, members will return to Hanceville, where, hopefully, hundreds will process into the shrine — an international gathering in Rome occurs every five years.

Closer to home, the confraternity is taking this Year of Faith to heart, with members renewing their Profession of Faith and Oath of Fidelity every Thursday in honor of the Last Supper, when Christ instituted the sacrament of holy orders. (Father Trigilio sent a letter to Pope Benedict XVI about the confraternity’s pledge for the Year of Faith.)

Father Trigilio would like clergy all over the country to learn about and join the confraternity. Any priest can attend. A monthly meeting can start with a group as small as two or three priests.

Two seminaries have groups — Mount St. Mary’s and St. Joseph’s Seminary in the Archdiocese of New York. Members can keep up with what’s going on at, as well as via Facebook, Twitter and Linked In.

Knowing the benefits for clergy, Father Trigilio counsels laypeople to inform their pastors and associate priests about the confraternity and consider giving them a gift of membership.

"Encourage them," he said. "Tell them: ‘Father you need time off — time for your spirituality.’ They need to know their parishioners want and support them to go to these things to help them grow even more spiritually as priests, deacons and pastors."

Through the confraternity, clergy discover a greater appreciation for the Church’s history and richness, which has always been their Godly goal.

"You feel you’re part of something bigger than yourself and your diocese," explained Father Trigilio. "The diocese is part of the universal Church, and the confraternity is part of that."

Joseph Pronechen is the Register’s staff writer.
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Tuesday, December 04, 2012

De Caritate Ministranda

Vatican City, 1 December 2012 (VIS) - Given below is Benedict XVI's Apostolic Letter issued "motu proprio" on "The Service of Charity", dated 11 November 2012.
"'The Church's deepest nature is expressed in her three-fold responsibility: of proclaiming the word of God (kerygma-martyria), celebrating the sacraments (leitourgia) and exercising the ministry of charity (diakonia). These duties presuppose each other and are inseparable'.
"The service of charity is also a constitutive element of the Church's mission and an indispensable expression of her very being; all the faithful have the right and duty to devote themselves personally to living the new commandment that Christ left us, and to offering our contemporaries not only material assistance, but also refreshment and care for their souls. The Church is also called as a whole to the exercise of the diakonia of charity, whether in the small communities of particular Churches or on the level of the universal Church. This requires organization 'if it is to be an ordered service to the community', an organization which entails a variety of institutional expressions.
"With regard to this diakonia of charity, in my Encyclical Deus Caritas Est I pointed out that 'in conformity with the episcopal structure of the Church, the Bishops, as successors of the Apostles, are charged with primary responsibility for carrying out in the particular Churches' the service of charity; at the same time, however, I noted that 'the Code of Canon Law, in the canons on the ministry of the Bishop, does not expressly mention charity as a specific sector of episcopal activity'. Although 'the Directory for the Pastoral Ministry of Bishops explored more specifically the duty of charity as a responsibility incumbent upon the whole Church and upon each Bishop in his Diocese', there was still a need to fill the aforementioned lacuna and to give adequate expression in canonical legislation to both the essential nature of the service of charity in the Church and its constitutive relationship with the episcopal ministry, while outlining the legal aspects of this ecclesial service, especially when carried out in an organised way and with the explicit support of the Bishops.
"In view of this, with the present Motu Proprio I intend to provide an organic legislative framework for the better overall ordering of the various organized ecclesial forms of the service of charity, which are closely related to the diaconal nature of the Church and the episcopal ministry.
"It is important, however, to keep in mind that 'practical activity will always be insufficient, unless it visibly expresses a love for man, a love nourished by an encounter with Christ'. In carrying out their charitable activity, therefore, the various Catholic organisations should not limit themselves merely to collecting and distributing funds, but should show special concern for individuals in need and exercise a valuable educational function within the Christian community, helping people to appreciate the importance of sharing, respect and love in the spirit of the Gospel of Christ. The Church's charitable activity at all levels must avoid the risk of becoming just another form of organised social assistance.
"The organised charitable initiatives promoted by the faithful in various places differ widely one from the other, and call for appropriate management. In a particular way, the work of Caritas has expanded at the parish, diocesan, national and international levels. Caritas is an institution promoted by the ecclesiastical Hierarchy which has rightly earned the esteem and trust of the faithful and of many other people around the world for its generous and consistent witness of faith and its concrete ability to respond to the needs of the poor. In addition to this broad initiative, officially supported by the Church's authority, many other initiatives have arisen in different places from the free enterprise of the faithful, who themselves wish to help in various ways to offer a concrete witness of charity towards those in need. While differing in their origin and juridical status, both are expressions of sensitivity and a desire to respond to the same pressing need.
"The Church as an institution is not extraneous to those organised initiatives which represent a free expression of the concern of the baptised for individuals and peoples in need. The Church's Pastors should always welcome these initiatives as a sign of the sharing of all the faithful in the mission of the Church; they should respect the specific characteristics and administrative autonomy which these initiatives enjoy, in accordance with their nature, as a manifestation of the freedom of the baptised.
"Alongside these, the Church's authority has, on its own initiative, promoted specific agencies which provide institutionally for allocating donations made by the faithful, following suitable legal and administrative methods which allow for a more effective response to concrete needs.
"Nevertheless, to the extent that such activities are promoted by the Hierarchy itself, or are explicitly supported by the authority of the Church's Pastors, there is a need to ensure that they are managed in conformity with the demands of the Church’s teaching and the intentions of the faithful, and that they likewise respect the legitimate norms laid down by civil authorities. In view of these requirements, it became necessary to establish in the Church’s law certain essential norms inspired by the general criteria of canonical discipline, which would make explicit in this sector of activity the legal responsibilities assumed by the various subjects involved, specifying in particular the position of authority and coordination belonging to the diocesan Bishop. At the same time, the norms in question need to be broad enough to embrace the significant diversity of the institutions of Catholic inspiration which are engaged as such in this sector, whether those originating from the Hierarchy or those born of the direct initiative of the faithful, received and encouraged by the local Pastors. While it was necessary to lay down norms in this regard, there was also a need to consider the requirements of justice and the responsibility of Bishops before the faithful, with respect for the legitimate autonomy of each institution.
Dispositive Part
"Consequently, upon the proposal of the Cardinal President of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, and after consultation with the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, I establish and decree the following:
"Art. 1. - § 1. The faithful have the right to join in associations and to establish agencies to carry out specific charitable services, especially on behalf of the poor and suffering. To the extent that these are linked to the charitable service of the Church's Pastors and/or intend to use for this purpose contributions made by the faithful, they must submit their own Statutes for the approval of the competent ecclesiastical authority and comply with the following norms.
§ 2. Similarly, it is also the right of the faithful to establish foundations to fund concrete charitable initiatives, in accordance with the norms of canons 1303 of the Code of Canon Law (CIC) and 1047 of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches (CCEO). If foundations of this type correspond to the characteristics set forth in § 1, they will also observe, congrua congruis referendo, the provisions of the present law.
§ 3. In addition to observing the canonical legislation, the collective charitable initiatives to which this Motu Proprio refers are required to follow Catholic principles in their activity and they may not accept commitments which could in any way affect the observance of those principles.
§ 4. Agencies and foundations for charitable purposes promoted by Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life are required to comply with these norms, and they must follow the prescriptions of canons 312 § 2 CIC and 575 § 2 CCEO.
"Art. 2. - § 1. The Statutes of each charitable agency referred to in the preceding article must also contain, in addition to its institutional offices and structures of governance in accordance with canon 95 § 1 CIC, the guiding principles and objectives of the initiative, the management of funds, the profile of its workers, as well as the reports and information which must be presented to the competent ecclesiastical authority.
§ 2. A charitable agency may use the name 'Catholic' only with the written consent of the competent authority, as laid down by canon 300 CIC.
§ 3. Agencies promoted by the faithful for charitable purposes can have an Ecclesiastical Assistant appointed in accordance with the Statutes, according to the norm of canons 324 § 2 and 317 CIC.
§ 4. At the same time, the ecclesiastical authority must bear in mind its duty to regulate the exercise of the rights of the faithful in accordance with canons 223 § 2 CIC and 26 § 3 CCEO, and thus to avoid the proliferation of charitable initiatives to the detriment of their activity and effectiveness with regard to their stated goals.
"Art. 3. - § 1. With regard to the preceding articles, it is understood that the competent authority at the respective levels is that indicated by canons 312 CIC and 575 CCEO.
§ 2. For agencies not approved at the national level, even though they operate in different Dioceses, the competent authority is understood to be the diocesan Bishop of the place where the agency has its principal office. In any event, the agency has the duty to inform the Bishops of other Dioceses where it operates and to respect the guidelines for the activities of the various charitable agencies present in those Dioceses.
"Art. 4. § 1. The diocesan Bishop exercises his proper pastoral solicitude for the service of charity in the particular Church entrusted to him as its Pastor, guide and the one primarily responsible for that service.
§ 2. The diocesan Bishop encourages and supports the initiatives and works of service to neighbour in his particular Church, and encourages in the faithful the spirit of practical charity as an expression of the Christian life and sharing in the mission of the Church, as indicated in canons 215 and 222 CIC and 25 and 18 CCEO.
§ 3. It is the responsibility of the diocesan Bishop to ensure that in the activities and management of these agencies the norms of the Church's universal and particular law are respected, as well as the intentions of the faithful who made donations or bequests for these specific purposes.
"Art. 5. - The diocesan Bishop is to ensure that the Church enjoys the right to carry out charitable activities, and he is to take care that the faithful and the institutions under his supervision comply with the legitimate civil legislation in this area.
"Art. 6. – It is the responsibility of the diocesan Bishop, as indicated by canons 394 § 1 CIC and 203 § 1 CCEO, to coordinate within his territory the different works of charitable service, both those promoted by the Hierarchy itself and those arising from initiatives of the faithful, without prejudice to their proper autonomy in accordance with their respective Statutes. In particular, he is to take care that their activities keep alive the spirit of the Gospel.
"Art. 7. - § 1. The agencies referred to in Article 1 § 1 are required to select their personnel from among persons who share, or at least respect, the Catholic identity of these works.
§ 2. To ensure an evangelical witness in the service of charity, the diocesan Bishop is to take care that those who work in the Church's charitable apostolate, along with due professional competence, give an example of Christian life and witness to a formation of heart which testifies to a faith working through charity. To this end, he is also to provide for their theological and pastoral formation, through specific curricula agreed upon by the officers of various agencies and through suitable aids to the spiritual life.
"Art. 8. – Wherever necessary, due to the number and variety of initiatives, the diocesan Bishop is to establish in the Church entrusted to his care an Office to direct and coordinate the service of charity in his name.
"Art. 9. - § 1. The Bishop is to encourage in every parish of his territory the creation of a local Caritas service or a similar body, which will also promote in the whole community educational activities aimed at fostering a spirit of sharing and authentic charity. When appropriate, this service is to be established jointly by various parishes in the same territory.
§ 2. It is the responsibility of the Bishop and the respective parish priest to ensure that together with Caritas, other charitable initiatives can coexist and develop within the parish under the general coordination of the parish priest, taking into account, however, the prescriptions of Article 2 § 4 above.
§ 3. It is the duty of the diocesan Bishop and the respective parish priests to see that in this area the faithful are not led into error or misunderstanding; hence they are to prevent publicity being given through parish or diocesan structures to initiatives which, while presenting themselves as charitable, propose choices or methods at odds with the Church's teaching.
"Art. 10. - § 1. It is the responsibility of the Bishop to supervise the ecclesiastical goods of the charitable agencies subject to his authority.
§ 2. It is the duty of the diocesan Bishop to ensure that the proceeds of collections made in accordance with canons 1265 and 1266 CIC and canons 1014 and 1015 CCEO are used for their stated purposes.
§ 3. In particular, the diocesan Bishop is to ensure that charitable agencies dependent upon him do not receive financial support from groups or institutions that pursue ends contrary to Church's teaching. Similarly, lest scandal be given to the faithful, the diocesan Bishop is to ensure that these charitable agencies do not accept contributions for initiatives whose ends, or the means used to pursue them, are not in conformity with the Church's teaching.
§ 4. In a particular way, the Bishop is to see that the management of initiatives dependent on him offers a testimony of Christian simplicity of life. To this end, he will ensure that salaries and operational expenses, while respecting the demands of justice and a necessary level of professionalism, are in due proportion to analogous expenses of his diocesan Curia.
§ 5. To permit the ecclesiastical authority mentioned in Article 3 § 1 to exercise its duty of supervision, the agencies mentioned in Article 1 § 1, are required to submit to the competent Ordinary an annual financial report in a way which he himself will indicate.
"Art. 11. – The diocesan Bishop is obliged, if necessary, to make known to the faithful the fact that the activity of a particular charitable agency is no longer being carried out in conformity with the Church’s teaching, and then to prohibit that agency from using the name 'Catholic' and to take the necessary measures should personal responsibilities emerge.
"Art. 12. - § 1. The diocesan Bishop is to encourage the national and international activity of the charitable agencies under his care, especially cooperation with poorer ecclesiastical circumscriptions by analogy with the prescriptions of canons 1274 § 3 CIC and 1021 § 3 CCEO.
§ 2. Pastoral concern for charitable works, depending on circumstances of time and place, can be carried out jointly by various neighbouring Bishops with regard to a number of Churches, in accordance with the norm of law. When such joint activity is international in character, the competent Dicastery of the Holy See is to be consulted in advance. For charitable initiatives on the national level, it is fitting that the Bishop consult the respective office of the Bishops’ Conference.
"Art. 13. – The local ecclesiastical authority retains the full right to give permission for initiatives undertaken by Catholic agencies in areas of his jurisdiction, with due respect for canonical norms and the specific identity of the individual agencies. It is also the duty of the Bishop to ensure that the activities carried out in his Diocese are conducted in conformity with ecclesiastical discipline, either prohibiting them or adopting any measures needed in cases where that discipline is not respected.
"Art. 14. – Where appropriate, the Bishop is to promote charitable initiatives in cooperation with other Churches or Ecclesial Communities, respecting the proper identity of each.
"Art. 15. - § 1. The Pontifical Council Cor Unum has the task of promoting the application of this legislation and ensuring that it is applied at all levels, without prejudice to the competence of the Pontifical Council for the Laity with regard to associations of the faithful as provided for in Article 133 of the Apostolic Constitution Pastor Bonus, the competence of the Secretariat of State’s Section for Relations with States, and the general competences of other Dicasteries and Institutes of the Roman Curia. In particular, the Pontifical Council Cor Unum is to take care that the charitable service of Catholic institutions at the international level is always to be carried out in communion with the various local Churches.
§ 2. The Pontifical Council Cor Unum is also competent for the canonical establishment of charitable agencies at the international level; it thus takes on the responsibilities of discipline and promotion entailed by law.
"I order that everything I have laid down in this Apostolic Letter issued Motu Proprio be fully observed, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, even if worthy of particular mention, and I decree that it be promulgated by publication in the daily newspaper L’Osservatore Romano and enter into force on 10 December 2012".

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

VSN - Vatican Shopping Network


Gammarelli's? Barbiconi's? Diritti's?

No, we do our shopping for good liturgical lace at


Vatican Shopping Network

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Letter from Holy See to the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy

pilgrimage with Fathers Brighenti & Trigilio

Saint Philomena, pray for us

Fr. Kenneth Brighenti (Vice Rector of Mount St Mary Seminary) 

Fr. John Trigilio, Jr. (President, Confraternity of Catholic Clergy)

invite you to join them as they both celebrate their SILVER JUBILEE 
(25th anniversary of priesthood)

MAY 17-27, 2013 

for a pilgrimage to 

the Shrine of St. Philomena 

and to other Holy sites 

in Rome and southern Italy

These are the one and only, the famous DUMMIES priests, who authored


Luigi Falconieri (Fratelli and Co., Group Travel) will be our tour guide.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

post mortem perils

During the post-mortem on the Romney campaign, there is a great danger that some in the GOP may misinterpret last night's victory as a signal to move a little to the left, especially in social issues. The temptation may be to dilute the platform on its Pro-Life/Anti-Abortion position and its support of traditional marriage. That would be a trap and a downfall. When the opposition imputed an image of fanatical, far-right extremists, the general public overreacted as if there were a Republican branch of the Taliban. This is a tactic used by lawyers during a trial. Convince the jury that a witness is 'out there' and you have as much discredited them as if you proved outright perjury. 

Romney did not lose because he was Pro-Life but Obama did win because he was seen as popular and as someone who espoused populist ideas. Romneny's opponents painted him as extreme. Rather than back down, dilute or ditch, the 2016 candidate needs to make the issues PLAIN and SIMPLE.

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. 
Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue

Mediocrity is not the answer nor is cooperation in evil. The abolitionists did not back down despite setbacks and political losses here and there. Slavery was eventually defeated as was racial segregation. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., knew too well that victory would take time and sacrifice but he was in it to the very end. Likewise, those who voted with a well formed conscience and voted FOR the unborn, for the terminally ill, for the sanctity of traditional marriage, for religious liberty ... they have a clear conscience. There are some Catholics who deceived themselves and were duped by the secular humanists. Some voted to protect evils like abortion and that made them formal as well as material cooperators in evil. They need to confess this mortal sin. Others, misinterpreted or misunderstood the Church's teaching that the RIGHT TO LIFE is the first and foremost, the foundational issue and most important human and civil right before all others. It is not the only right, but it is the first and most essential as all others come FROM that right to life.

Electability will be the mantra for the next campaign. Get someone who is 'inclusive', they will say. Let's have a big tent where everyone is welcome. It was not moderation which won the presidency, it was the cult of personality. People like the President. His party platform, policies, and administrative decisions conflicted with the Natural Moral Law on more than one occasion and more than one issue. 

What the country needs is not a middle of the road candidate, but a candidate who espouse moral principles and values with a genuine human face and who can convey those in a reasonable manner. Caricatures of Romney and Ryan as Salem Witch-Hunters poisoned the well of public opinion. Instead, the Pro-Life, Pro-Traditional Marriage and Pro-Religious Liberty crowd should associate with images of MLK and Ghandi who both were men of peace but also of justice for those being denied it. The war against women should have been rephrased into the war against life. Defending marriage is not 'anti-gay', it is pro-family. The GOP however allowed the other side to define terms. 

Ronald Reagan defeated the Soviet Union not by appeasement or apologies. He knew that strength of conviction needs a credible deterrent to persuade those who have doubts about our resolve. Teddy Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln also knew that one had to get tough when necessary and to always be courageous in doing what is right even if unpopular.

I hope and pray that someone from either party will emerge in the next election who will be BOLD enough to OPENLY defend what is true and morally right; who will not be a chameleon to win votes nor will he or she sell their soul to get into office. We need and deserve politicians who put the COMMON GOOD before their job security. One can be right without being a bully or a fanatic. Being wishy-washy is as bad as being wrong and on the side of what is immoral. The bottom line is CONSISTENCY and COURAGE to do what has to be done and do it with FAIRNESS and JUSTICE.  We need a leader, not a icon; a person of principle, not an opportunist.  If the Republicans and the Democrats go to the lowest common denominator, no one wins and the country loses. Better for ideologies to be well defined and clearly stated so voters can make an intelligent choice. Then we also have to re-educate the populace how to vote CONSCIENTIOUSLY and PRUDENTLY, not based on emotions and feelings, but on facts and truths.

Requiem for a Nation

A Requiem Mass is in order. It was not just Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan who lost tonight. Nor is it just a loss for the Republican party. RELIGIOUS LIBERTY and JUSTICE lost. Forget about Roe v. Wade getting overturned. The Supreme Court will most likely get revamped with a majority of Pro-Abortion justices when immanent retirements occur. HHS mandate will continue to strangle the FREEDOM OF RELIGION in its attempt to impose immorality while handcuffing spiritual leaders from their God given task to denounce evil. The UNBORN will be more at risk than ever before. The terminally ill and elderly will be threatened with 'compassionate termination' under the oxymoron of 'mercy killing'. Euthanasia and abortion will sky-rocket. Traditional marriage will be trivialized to the realm where chastity and virginity were exiled a few generations before.

I fear for America. Our national debt has already become a credible threat to national security. Worse yet, our country is on the verge of losing its soul. Greece and Rome fell and they fell hard when they lost their MORAL COMPASS. How many Catholics chose to ignore the public and flagrant attacks on LIFE (via abortion and assisted suicide) and RELIGIOUS LIBERTY (via HHS mandate) only to vote for what appeared most comfortable and convenient?

Even economists admit that they and their disciple are far from infallible. There is plenty of latitude for discussion and disagreement on prudential judgments regarding economic policies and programs. Big government or small government; liberal or conservative; blue state or red state; these are opinions


What is not open for debate are NON-NEGOTIABLES like the RIGHT TO LIFE, RELIGIOUS LIBERTY and the SANCTITY OF MARRIAGE & THE FAMILY. Great cultures and civilizations flourish when they promote and defend these. They crumble, fall and dissolve when they abandon them.

We must oppose every immoral and unjust law, policy, and program without resorting to the sin of hating our enemies. At the same time, we must follow in the footsteps of the early martyrs of Rome and those who followed their brave example in Elizabethan England, behind the old Iron Curtain, or those under Red China's tyranny. The Soviet Union, the Evil Empire, is no more, but besides Al Qaeda there are other threats to us. OURSELVES. If we continue to kill innocent unborn babies and if we allow traditional moral values to decay, then our society will implode. No need for an external enemy to conquer us.

Some are guilty of the sin of omission if they neglected to vote (weather and health permitting, of course).  Those who remained SILENT might be culpable of being an ACCESSORY or more accurately a COOPERATOR IN EVIL like those who voted for politicians and candidates who support unrestricted abortions and who seek to unravel the cloth of the family by redefining and reinventing the institution of marriage, yet these voters fooled themselves into the trap that as long as they personally disagreed, it was OK to support those who advocate what is IMMORAL for 'other' reasons and positions.

Cardinal George of Chicago said he would die in his bed, his successor will die in prison and the one to succeed him will die a martyr's death. Hyperbole? NO. Governments and societies which do not honor and respect religious liberty of believers and/or of the Church where they worship are doomed to extinction. The gates of hell will not prevail but as in days of old, there will be MORE persecutions. Maybe not physical, but economic, political, social and psychological attacks will take place against those who dare challenge the omnipotent STATE. Atheism not only discounts religion, it despises and detests it. Inch by inch, day by day, we will see rights and freedoms restrained, curtailed and controlled so that private property will become state property. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press will be overwhelmed by what is POLITICALLY CORRECT.

Some will be defeatist and claim we have no choice but COMPROMISE. Those Frenchmen who collaborated with the Nazis during occupation were not seen as patriots or heroes after the war had been won and France regained her independence. COOPERATION IN EVIL can occur formally or materially. Like Saint Paul we must FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT and FINISH THE RACE. Saint Thomas More, Saint John Fisher and many other martyrs show us that it is not worth one's soul to acquiesce to civil power when it conflicts with moral and religious principles and values.

The time has come to capture the ZEAL and PIETY our ancestors showed. When we were an immigrant church and a vulnerable minority, we knew who we were, what we believed and how we were to live. As we became more and more assimilated into society, we 'fit in' and like the ancient Israelites, we wanted to be more like our neighbors. They turned their back on the Lord and demanded He give them an earthly king so they could have an 'acceptable' earthly kingdom. After two rulers, that kingdom got divided and eventually conquered by the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks and Romans.

Like the Kingdom of Nineveh, we need to do PENANCE lest we continue on the road to more persecution and enslavement. It would be appropriate if our national hierarchy followed the example of their brothers in Britain and RESTORED the tradition of Friday abstinence and brought back ALL Holy Days of Obligation on their actual calendar dates. We may not ever see Ember and Rogation days return, but more REVERENCE in the Sacred Liturgy and ZERO toleration of theological or liturgical dissent be it colleges or seminaries, pulpits or podiums, will do more good to RENEW the faith.

The New Evangelization may mean that missionaries from the Third World come HERE to America to reacquaint us with what we let slip through our fingers. FAITH and FAMILY are the pillars of any civilization and both are always attacked by tyrants and despots, be they Communist, Socialist or Fascist.

When I was a child in Catholic grade school, the nuns had us pray daily for the conversion of Russia. Now that the Cold War ended and the Iron Curtain fell; now that the Soviet Union is no more, complacency has lulled us into a false sense of security. Two forces are still at work. The atheistic powers of secular progressives who seek to deify Government and the radical elements of Islamo-fascism who distort their religion for the purpose of establishing the revival of Caliphate which would rival the Ottoman Empire itself.

Now, we must pray for all our enemies, at home and abroad. We must pray for our civil leaders that they may REPENT of their allegiances to the powers of darkness like abortion and euthanasia. Remember when the Disciples got discouraged when they could not exorcise some demons? Jesus told them that some are so nasty that only perseverance in PRAYER and FASTING will prevail. Likewise, we should NOT stop the novenas, litanies and acts of mortification. More than ever we need to increase our devotion to the ROSARY and to show greater honor for the Virgin Mary. As faithful sons and daughters of the Church, we need to PRACTICE our religion especially as it becomes more and more UNPOPULAR and POLITICALLY INCORRECT.

When Polish Catholics were being persecuted by the Communists, they went to Church more often and they more fervently celebrated public acts of piety and devotion. There are no KGB agents spying on us here in the USA but the government will intrude more and more into our lives to try to conform us to what they deem is acceptable behavior, not based on the Natural Law, but determined by liberal ideologies and secular humanism.

I suggest a modest program. Voluntary resumption of the ALL Friday abstinence (except on Solemnities) and voluntary fasting on all Wednesdays (or at least one day a week, except on Solemnities) in REPARATION for the sins of our age; DAILY rosary; MONTHLY confession; ANNUAL retreats; PERIODIC pilgrimages; and FREQUENT acts of piety and devotion. Simultaneously, we need to READ and LEARN more about our religion and be more assertive in SPREADING it, first by example and secondly by prudent and compassionate CATECHESIS.

The Roman Empire converted thanks to the blood of the martyrs but also because their faith became contagious. Lukewarm Catholics attract no one. Mediocrity is a cancer. PRAY for vocations AND pray for better politicians. Support those who defend LIFE and oppose those who promote death and perversity.

This YEAR OF FAITH is more crucial than ever now thanks to the Election of 2012. We need to WAKE UP and STAY SOBER and ALERT. Our adversary the Devil has duped many into thinking with their pocket books and evaluating according to comfort and convenience rather than right from wrong. We may have to return to being an underground church as like in the catacombs of old, but faith and piety can never be taken, only surrendered.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Omnes Sancti et Sanctæ Dei


Traditional Litany of the Saints


Contemporary Litany of the Saints

V. Kyrie, eléison.V. Lord, have mercy.
R. Christe, eléison.R. Christ, have mercy.
V. Kyrie, eléison.V. Lord, have mercy.
V. Christe, audi nos.V. O Christ, hear us.
R. Christe, exáudi nos.R. O Christ, graciously hear us.
V. Pater de cælis, Deus.V. O God the Father of heaven.
R. Miserére nobis.R. Have mercy upon us.
V. Fili, Redémptor mundi, Deus.V. O God the Son, Redeemer of the world.
R. Miserére nobis.R. Have mercy upon us.
V. Spíritus Sancte, Deus.V. O God the Holy Ghost.
R. Miserére nobis.R. Have mercy upon us.
V. Sancta Trínitas, unus Deus.V. O Holy Trinity, one God.
R. Miserére nobis.R. Have mercy upon us.
V. Sancta María.V. Holy Mary.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancta Dei Génetrix.V. Holy Mother of God.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancta Virgo vírginum.V. Holy Virgin of virgins.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Michael.V. Saint Michael.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Gabriel.V. Saint Gabriel.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Raphael.V. Saint Raphael.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Omnes sancti Angeli et Archangeli.V. All ye holy Angels and Archangels.
R. Orate pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Omnes sancti beatórum Spírituum ordines.V. All ye holy orders of blessed Spirits.
R. Orate pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Joánnes Baptista.V. Saint John the Baptist.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Josephe.V. Saint Joseph.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Omnes sancti Patriárchæ et Prophetæ.V. All ye holy Patriarchs and Prophets.
R. Orate pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Petre.V. Saint Peter.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Paule.V. Saint Paul.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Andrea.V. Saint Andrew.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Jacobe.V. Saint James.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Joánnes.V. Saint John.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Thoma.V. Saint Thomas.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Jacobe.V. Saint James.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Philippe.V. Saint Philip.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Bartholomæe.V. Saint Bartholomew.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Matthæe.V. Saint Matthew.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Simon.V. Saint Simon.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Thaddæe.V. Saint Jude.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Matthia.V. Saint Matthias.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Barnaba.V. Saint Barnabas.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Luca.V. Saint Luke.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Marce.V. Saint Mark.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Omnes sancti Apóstoli et Evangelistæ.V. All ye holy Apostles and Evangelists.
R. Orate pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Omnes sancti Discípuli Dómini.V. All ye holy Disciples of the Lord.
R. Orate pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Omnes sancti Innocéntes.V. All ye Holy Innocents.
R. Orate pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Stephane.V. Saint Stephen.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Laurénti.V. Saint Lawrence.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Vincenti.V. Saint Vincent.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancti Fabiane et Sebastiane.V. Saint Fabian and Saint Sebastian.
R. Orate pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancti Joánnes et Paule.V. Saint John and Saint Paul.
R. Orate pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancti Cosma et Damiane.V. Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian.
R. Orate pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancti Gervasi et Protasi.V. Saint Gervasius and Saint Protasius.
R. Orate pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Omnes sancti Mártyres.V. All ye holy Martyrs.
R. Orate pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Silvester.V. Saint Sylvester.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Gregóri.V. Saint Gregory.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Ambrósi.V. Saint Ambrose.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Augustine.V. Saint Augustine.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Hieronyme.V. Saint Jerome.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Martine.V. Saint Martin.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Nicolaë.V. Saint Nicholas.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Omnes sancti Pontifices et Confessores.V. All ye holy Bishops and Confessors.
R. Orate pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Omnes sancti Doctores.V. All ye holy Doctors.
R. Orate pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Antoni.V. Saint Anthony.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Benedicte.V. Saint Benedict.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Bernarde.V. Saint Bernard.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Dominice.V. Saint Dominic.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Francisce.V. Saint Francis.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Omnes sancti Sacerdótes et Levitæ.V. All ye holy Priests and Levites.
R. Orate pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Omnes sancti Monachi et Eremitæ.V. All ye holy Monks and Hermits.
R. Orate pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancta María Magdalena.V. Saint Mary Magdalene.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancta Agatha.V. Saint Agatha.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancta Lucia.V. Saint Lucy.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancta Agnes.V. Saint Agnes.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancta Cæcilia.V. Saint Cecilia.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancta Catharina.V. Saint Catherine.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Sancta Anastasia.V. Saint Anastasia.
R. Ora pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Omnes sanctæ Vírgines et Víduæ.V. All ye holy Virgins and Widows.
R. Orate pro nobis.R. Pray for us.
V. Omnes Sancti et Sanctæ Dei.V. All ye Holy, Righteous, and Elect of God.
R. Intercédite pro nobis.R. Intercede for us.
V. Propitius esto.V. Be thou merciful.
R. Parce nobis, Dómine.R. Spare us, Lord.
V. Propitius esto.V. Be thou merciful.
R. Exáudi nos, Dómine.R. Graciously hear us, Lord.
V. Ab omni malo.V. From all evil.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.R. Good Lord, deliver us.
V. Ab omni peccáto.V. From all deadly sin.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.R. Good Lord, deliver us.
V. Ab ira tua.V. From thine anger.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.R. Good Lord, deliver us.
V. A subitanea et improvisa morte.V. From sudden and unrepentant death.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.R. Good Lord, deliver us.
V. Ab insídiis diaboli.V. From the crafts and assaults of the devil.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.R. Good Lord, deliver us.
V. Ab ira, et ódio, et omni mala voluntáte.V. From anger, and hatred, and all uncharitableness.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.R. Good Lord, deliver us.
V. A spíritu fornicatiónis.V. From the spirit of fornication.
R. Líbera nos, Domine.R. Good Lord, deliver us.
V. A fulgure et tempestáte.V. From lightning and tempest.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.R. Good Lord, deliver us.
V. A flagello terræmotus.V. From the peril of earthquake, fire, and flood.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.R. Good Lord, deliver us.
V. A peste, fame et bello.V. From pestilence, famine, and battle.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.R. Good Lord, deliver us.
V. A morte perpetua.V. From everlasting damnation.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.R. Good Lord, deliver us.
V. Per mystérium sanctæ Incarnatiónis tuæ.V. By the mystery of thy Holy Incarnation.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.R. Good Lord, deliver us.
V. Per advéntum tuum.V. By thine Advent.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.R. Good Lord, deliver us.
V. Per nativitátem tuam.V. By thy Nativity.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.R. Good Lord, deliver us.
V. Per baptismum et sanctum jejunium tuum.V. By thy Baptism and holy Fasting.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.R. Good Lord, deliver us.
V. Per crucem et passiónem tuam.V. By thy Cross and Passion.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.R. Good Lord, deliver us.
V. Per mortem et sepultúram tuam.V. By thy precious Death and Burial.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.R. Good Lord, deliver us.
V. Per sanctam resurrectiónem tuam.V. By thy holy Resurrection.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.R. Good Lord, deliver us.
V. Per admirábilem ascensiónem tuam.V. By thy glorious Ascension.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.R. Good Lord, deliver us.
V. Per advéntum Spíritus Sancti Paracliti.V. By the coming of the Holy Spirit the Comforter.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.R. Good Lord, deliver us.
V. In die judícii.V. In the day of judgement.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.R. Good Lord, deliver us.
V. Peccatóres.V. Even though we be sinners.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.R. We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.
V. Ut nobis parcas.V. That it may please thee to spare us.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.R. We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.
V. Ut nobis indulgeas.V. That it may please thee to pity and pardon us.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.R. We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.
V. Ut ad veram pœniténtiam nos perducere dignéris.V. That it may please thee to give us true repentance.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.R. We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.
V. Ut Ecclésiam tuam sanctam regere et conservare dignéris.V. That it may please thee to rule and govern thy holy Church.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.R. We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.
V. Ut domnum Apostolicum et omnes ecclesiásticos ordines in sancta religióne conservare dignéris.V. That it may please thee to preserve the Apostolic Lord, and to keep all orders of the Church in thy sacred religion.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.R. We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.
V. Ut inimícos sanctæ Ecclésiæ humiliare dignéris.V. That it may please thee to overthrow the enemies of thy holy Church.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.R. We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.
V. Ut régibus et princípibus christiánis pacem et veram concordiam donare dignéris.V. That it may please thee to bestow on all Christian kings and princes true peace and concord.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.R. We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.
V. Ut cuncto pópulo christiáno pacem et unitátem largiri dignéris.V. That it may please thee to give to all Christian nations both peace and unity.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.R. We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.
V. Ut omnes errántes ad unitátem Ecclésiæ revocare, et infidéles univérsos ad Evangélii lumen perducere dignéris.V. That it may please thee to restore unity to thy Church, and to lead all unbelievers into the light of thy holy Gospel.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.R. We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.
V. Ut nosmetípsos in tuo sancto servítio confortare et conservare dignéris.V. That it may please thee to strengthen and preserve us in true worshipping of thee.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.R. We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.
V. Ut mentes nostras ad cæléstia desidéria erigas.V. That it may please thee to endue our hearts with heavenly desires.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.R. We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.
V. Ut ómnibus benefactóribus nostris sempitérna bona retríbuas.V. That it may please thee to bestow on all our benefactors thine everlasting benefits.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.R. We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.
V. Ut ánimas nostras, fratrum, propinquorum et benefactórum nostrórum ab ætérna damnatióne erípias.V. That it may please thee to deliver from eternal damnation our souls, and those of our brethren, kindred, and benefactors.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.R. We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.
V. Ut fructus terræ dare et conservare dignéris.V. That it may please thee to give and preserve to our use the kindly fruits of the earth.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.R. We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.
V. Ut ómnibus fidelibus defunctis réquiem ætérnam donare dignéris.V. That it may please thee to bestow upon all thy faithful departed rest eternal.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.R. We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.
V. Ut nos exáudire dignéris.V. That it may please thee graciously to hear our prayer.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.R. We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.
V. Fili Dei.V. O Son of God.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.R. We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.
V. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta mundi.V. O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world.
R. Parce nobis, Dómine.R. Spare us, Lord.
V. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta mundi.V. O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world.
R. Exáudi nos, Dómine.R. Graciously hear us, Lord.
V. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta mundi.V. O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world.
R. Miserére nobis.R. Have mercy upon us.
V. Christe, audi nos.V. O Christ, hear us.
R. Christe, exáudi nos.R. O Christ, graciously hear us.
V. Kyrie, eléison.V. Lord, have mercy upon us.
R. Christe, eléison. Kyrie, eléison.R. Christ, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.
Pater noster. (secréto usque ad)Our Father. (Which words are said aloud, and the rest secretly to):
V. Et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem.V. And lead us not into temptation.
R. Sed líbera nos a malo.R. But deliver us from evil.
Psalmus 69. Deus, in adjutóriumPsalm 69. Deus, in adjutórium
1 Deus, in adjutórium meum inténde: * Dómine ad adjuvándum me festína.1 HASTE thee, O God, to deliver me; * make haste to help me, O LORD.
2 Confundántur et revereántur, * qui quærunt ánimam meam.2 Let them be ashamed and confounded that seek after my soul; * let them be turned backward and put to confusion that wish me evil.
3 Avertántur retrórsum, et erubéscant, * qui volunt mihi mala.3 Let them for their reward be soon brought to shame, * that cry over me, There! there!
4 Avertántur statim erubescéntes, * qui dicunt mihi : Euge, euge.4 But let all those that seek thee be joyful and glad in thee: * and let all such as delight in thy salvation say always, The Lord be praised.
5 Exsúltent et læténtur in te omnes qui quærunt te, * et dicant semper : Magnificétur Dóminus : qui díligunt salutáre tuum.5 As for me, I am poor and in misery: * haste thee unto me, O God.
6 Ego vero egénus, et pauper sum : * Deus, ádjuva me.6 Thou art my helper, and my redeemer: * O LORD, make no long tarrying.
7 Adjútor meus, et liberátor meus es tu : * Dómine, ne moréris.
8 Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto.8 Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
9 Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.9 As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
V. Salvos fac servos tuos.V. O God, save thy servants.
R. Deus meus, sperántes in te.R. That put their trust in thee.
V. Esto nobis, Dómine, turris fortitúdinis.V. Be unto us, O Lord, a tower of strength.
R. A fácie inimíci.R. From the face of the enemy.
V. Nihil profíciat inimícus in nobis.V. Let the enemy prevail nothing against us.
R. Et fílius iniquitátis non appónat nocére nobis.R. Nor the son of wickedness approach to afflict us.
V. Dómine, non secúndum peccáta nostra fácias nobis.V. O Lord, deal not with us after our sins.
R. Neque secúndum iniquitátes nostras retríbuas nobis.R. Neither reward us according to our iniquities.
V. Orémus pro Pontifice nostro (Nomen).V. Let us pray for our Pope (Name).
R. Dóminus consérvet eum, et vivíficet eum, et beátum fáciat eum in terra, et beátum fáciat eum in terra, et non tradat eum in ánimam inimicórum ejus.R. The Lord preserve him and keep him alive, that he may be blessed upon earth; and deliver not thou him into the will of his enemies.
(Vacante Apostolica Sede, Versus cum suo Responsorio præteritur.)(If the Holy See is vacant, the above Versicle with its Response is omitted.)
V. Orémus pro benefactóribus nostris.V. Let us pray for our benefactors.
R. Retribúere dignáre, Dómine, ómnibus, nobis bona faciéntibus propter nomen tuum, vitam ætérnam. Amen.R. Vouchsafe, O Lord, for thy Name's sake, to reward with eternal life all them that do us good. Amen.
V. Orémus pro fidelibus defunctis.V. Let us pray for the faithful departed.
R. Réquiem ætérnam dona eis, Dómine, et lux perpétua luceat eis.R. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them.
V. Requiéscant in pace.V. May they rest in peace.
R. Amen.R. Amen.
V. Pro frátribus nostris abséntibus.V. Let us pray for our absent brethren.
R. Salvos fac servos tuos, Deus meus, sperántes in te.R. Save thy servants, O my God, that put their trust in thee.
V. Mitte eis, Dómine, auxílium de sancto.V. Send them help, O Lord, from thy holy place.
R. Et de Sion tuere eos.R. And from Zion deliver them.
V. Dómine, exáudi oratiónem meam.V. O Lord, hear my prayer.
R. Et clamor meus ad te véniat.R. And let my cry come unto thee.
V. Dóminus vobíscum.V. The Lord be with you.
R. Et cum spíritu tuo.R. And with thy spirit.
Oremus. (Oratio)Let us pray. (Collects)
Deus, cui proprium est miseréri semper et parcere : súscipe deprecatiónem nostram ; ut nos, et omnes fámulos tuos, quos delictórum catena constringit, miserátio tuæ pietátis clementer absolvat.O God, whose nature and property is ever to have mercy and to forgive : receive our humble petitions ; and though we be tied and bound by the chain of our sins, yet let the pitifulness of thy great mercy loose us.
Exáudi, quæsumus, Dómine, supplícium preces, et confiténtium tibi parce peccátis : ut páriter nobis indulgéntiam tríbuas benignus et pacem.We beseech thee, O Lord, mercifully to hear the prayers of thy humble servants, and to forgive the sins of them that confess the same unto thee : that they may obtain of thy loving-kindness pardon and peace.
Ineffábilem nobis, Dómine, misericórdiam tuam clementer osténde : ut simul nos et a peccátis ómnibus exuas, et a pœnis, quas pro his meremur, erípias.O Lord, we pray thee, shew forth upon us thy servants the abundance of thy unspeakable mercy : that we may be delivered from the chain of our sins, and from the punishment which for the same we have most righteously deserved.
Deus, qui culpa offenderis, pœniténtia placaris : preces pópuli tui supplicántis propítius réspice ; et flagélla tuæ iracúndiæ, quæ pro peccátis nostris meremur, averte.O God, who art wroth with them that sin against thee, and sparest them that are penitent : we beseech thee to hear the prayers of thy people that call upon thee ; that we, which have most justly deserved the scourges of thine anger, may by thy great mercy be delivered from the same.
(If the Holy See is vacant, the following Collect is omitted.)(If the Holy See is vacant, the following Collect is omitted.)
Omnípotens sempiterne Deus, miserére famulo tuo Pontifici nostro (Nomen), et dírige eum secúndum tuam cleméntiam in viam salútis ætérnæ : ut, te donante, tibi placita cupiat, et tota virtúte perfíciat.Almighty and everlasting God, we beseech thee to have compassion upon N., our Pope, and by thy mercy govern him in the way of everlasting life : that, being endued with thy grace, he may ever seek those things that are pleasing unto thee, and with his whole strength perform the same.
Deus, a quo sancta desidéria, recta consília et justa sunt ópera : da servis tuis illam, quam mundus dare non potest, pacem ; ut et corda nostra mandátis tuis dedita, et, hóstium subláta formidine, témpora sint, tua protectióne, tranquilla.O God, from whom all holy desires, all good counsels, and all just works do proceed : give unto thy servants that peace which the world cannot give ; that our hearts may be set to obey thy commandments, and also that by thee we being defended from the fear of our enemies may pass our time in rest and quietness.
Ure igne Sancti Spíritus renes nostros et cor nostrum, Dómine : ut tibi casto corpore serviamus, et mundo corde placeámus.Grant, O Lord, we pray thee, that the fire of thy Holy Ghost may in such wise cleanse our reins and our hearts : that we serving thee in pureness both of body and soul may be found an acceptable people in thy sight.
Fidélium, Deus, ómnium conditor et redemptor, animábus famulórum famularumque tuárum remissiónem cunctórum tríbue peccatórum : ut indulgéntiam, quam semper optavérunt, piis supplicatiónibus consequántur.O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all them that believe : grant unto the souls of thy servants and handmaidens the remission of all their sins ; that, as they have ever desired thy merciful pardon, so by the supplications of their brethren they may receive the same.
Actiónes nostras, quæsumus, Dómine, aspirándo prævéni et adjuvándo proséquere : ut cuncta nostra orátio et operátio a te semper incipiat et per te cœpta finiátur.Prevent us, O Lord, in all our doings with thy most gracious favour, and further us with thy continual help : that in all our works begun, continued, and ended in thee, we may glorify thy holy Name, and finally by thy mercy obtain everlasting life.
Omnípotens sempiterne Deus, qui vivórum domináris simul et mortuórum, ómniumque miseréris quos tuos fide et ópere futuros esse prænoscis : te supplices exorámus ; ut, pro quibus effúndere preces decrevimus, quosque vel præsens sæculum adhuc in carne retinet vel futúrum jam exutos corpore suscépit, intercedéntibus ómnibus Sanctis tuis, pietátis tuæ cleméntia, ómnium delictórum suórum véniam consequántur. Per Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum, Fílium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per ómnia sæcula sæculórum.Almighty and everlasting God, who hast dominion both of the quick and the dead, who likewise hast mercy upon all men, whom by reason of their faith and works thou hast foreknown : we commend unto thee all those for whom we now do offer our prayers, whether in this world they still be held in the bonds of the flesh, or being delivered therefrom have passed into that which is to come ; beseeching thee that at the intercession of all thy Saints they may of thy bountiful goodness obtain the remission of all their sins. Through our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.
R. Amen.R. Amen.
V. Dóminus vobíscum.V. The Lord be with you.
R. Et cum spíritu tuo.R. And with thy spirit.
V. Exáudiat nos omnípotens et miséricors Dóminus.V. May the Almighty and Merciful Lord graciously hear us.
R. Amen.R. Amen.
V. Et fidélium ánimæ † per misericórdiam Dei requiéscant in pace.V. And may the souls of the faithful departed, † through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
R. Amen.R. Amen.

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