Our dearest Pope Benedict is slowly bringing back what should have never been deleted in the first place--yet, everything is in God's loving Providence. Sometimes we have to be starving to realize how much we need food. We have had so much stripped from the Liturgy, the Churches, etc....now we realize what has been taken from us--the wonder of it as it is slowly being restored is so powerful. Tears easily flow from my eyes to hear the chant, to see the taber nacle being put back in its proper place in some Churches (iinstead of stuck in a closet).
Saint Gabriel
The angels call for our veneration and awe as part of God’s creation. Part
of the destructive modernism of the 1970s included advice to Catholic
school t...
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It has been almost two years since I blogged about anything. Yes, I'm
still alive. No, I haven't relocated to a secure hideout.
When I started this blog ...
[close]Firefox users we wanted to take this space to let you know what Mozilla, the company that makes Firefox has been doing, and it's not good. Mozilla recently forced it's CEO to resign because he had, 5 years ago, donated $1,000 to a pro-family political group. Apparently Mozilla is intolerant of anyone that disagrees with their Liberal view of politics. To read more please visit WhyFirefoxIsBlocked.com. (We aren't blocking Firefox, but we feel it is important to let you know what's going on.)
Our dearest Pope Benedict is slowly bringing back what should have never been deleted in the first place--yet, everything is in God's loving Providence.
Sometimes we have to be starving to realize how much we need food. We have had so much stripped from the Liturgy, the Churches, etc....now we realize what has been taken from us--the wonder of it as it is slowly being restored is so powerful. Tears easily flow from my eyes to hear the chant, to see the taber nacle being put back in its proper place in some Churches (iinstead of stuck in a closet).
I am truly hopeful of the return of our tabenacles to where they belong (at least here in the USA) is going to happen.
Happy Easter, Father!
--Dan L.
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